Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oh, no! 01:02:03 04/05/06

Oh, no! 01:02:03 04/05/06

A friend in the United States sent me this:
>>On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That won't ever happen again!!!!!!! Thank you.... You may now return to your life.<<

But it won't be true here, where the day is listed before the month and a digital timepiece might show 01:02:03 05/04/06. Not so much magic in that. I suppose Australia experienced a similar event at a minute and two seconds after midnight on the morning of April 3 last year when the time was 00:01:02 03/04/05.

We've heard no reports of major social disruptions because of that, but then we live in Brisbane, where people appreciate calm and boast that they live in "a big country town." Perhaps Sydneysiders partied in the streets.

I can't say because we were not here then. And we won't be where clocks line up so sequentially on Wednesday morning. We seem to be missing out on a lot of good stuff, just as we missed out on June 25 of last year completely. Who knows what happened that day?! Well, I supposed you may know, but we don't. Evidently we slept through it on a Qantas flight from LAX.

Oh, well. Australia gets its chance on the 4th day of May. So, you might say, it IS happening again, in Her Majesty’s Kingdom.

Wherever you are and whichever day this happens for you, I hope you enjoy this numerical oddity. But remember to celebrate responsibly. Your neighbors may not appreciate fireworks at 01:02:03 in the morning, especially if they are uninformed, which is surely what I would be except for having a friend in Maine, where people have time to notice major events.

-- Somewhat Befuddled in Brisbane Bob

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I found your blog while looking for other Americans living in Australia. I've lived here almost 2 years myself. Anyway, tis a shame you haven't posted since've got a good thing going here! Feel free to check out my site.